Tapis Volant senior Workbook 2nd Edition

Tapis Volant senior Workbook 2nd Edition


Product Info




The new Tapis Volant Senior Workbook is a fully revised second edition of this market-leading French series. Now consisting of a single volume, Tapis Volant Senior maintains all the texts, activities and references necessary for student success.

New with this edition are supporting digital resources that provide state-specific exam preparation (Vic, NSW and Qld) with annual releases of practice exams and the latest exam advice.

Tapis Volant Senior maintains a strong emphasis on cultural and intercultural learning with a straightforward communicative approach adaptable to any classroom.


Unité 0 : Révision

Unité 1 : L’adolescence : un vrai tour de montagnes russes !

Unité 2 : Mes proches

Unité 3 : La technologie, c’est notre avenir

Unité 4 : La force de la diversité

Unité 5 : Le plaisir des loisirs

Unité 6 : Impressions de voyage

Unité 7 : Dossier environnement

Unité 8 : Au travail !

Unité 9 : Quelle est votre histoire ?

Unité 10 : Vive la culture !