Mental Calculations Skills Ages 10 - 12

Mental Calculations Skills Ages 10 - 12


Product Info



RIC Blackline Masters & Boxes

Practising Computational Skills

This book is designed to provide students with a fun approach to practising computational skills. The activities are primarily based on answering questions and matching the answers with either colours from a key to complete the emerging picture or with ruled lines to make a picture or pattern. The students then give their picture a title.


  • Introductory teachers pages, describing the variety of activities found in the book
  • Ages 7 – 9 – sections covering addition, subtraction and multiplication skills four different types of activity to stimulate student interest and promote enjoyment
  • Ages 10 – 12 – sections covering subtraction, multiplication, fractions and division skills eight different types of activity to stimulate student interest and promote enjoyment
  • speed tests for students to regularly monitor their progress in each area
  • answers